23 November, 2009

The Battle Goes On

Well, here I am, Newzing in Switzerland...

So, the battle for the best Meow-o-ween costume still goes on.  Izzy's Witch and Mikey's Little Red Napping Hood are the ones left.

I will post a poll with those two.  If there is a tie again, I will re-post the poll as many times as I need to.

Good luck Mikey in your red, silly, crazy-cute little hat.
Good luck Izzy in your black, squee, magical outfit.

11 November, 2009

Dude... Wait, what?

O'hai fellow hoomins! (And kitehs, too, of course.  Doggehs and otherz also welcome.)  Ever heard the expression, "Dude... Wait, what?"  I've heard it was from a movie, but I don't know which.  Anyway, Mikey made the "dude wait what face."  Here it is.  Drum roll please.










10 November, 2009

Meowma's New Email!

Hi there readers.  I is so excited to tells you that you can now has a new email address to email!!!!  Not that that are really exciting, but you know how getting a new email is.  Especially one that has your website on the end, like Meowma's new email!  Her new email address is .

She say she want everybody to emails her at that one now.

Love, Mikey

08 November, 2009

"I want a nickname for my furry, whiskered, adorable Kitteh!"

O'hai!  Who wantz a nickname 4 the Kittehz in their home?  Meowma has made a kewl quiz 2 see which nickname is right 4 ur lil furry babiez.  Here it iz.  Hover over teh deskripshon 2 c da kwesjun.

Our Fans' Favorite Meow-o-ween Costumes!

O'hai, o'hai!

We have seen lots of you headed off to the polls... for Election Day... and Meow-o-ween, too.  You may have noticed the 'What's your fave Kitteh costume' polls on the side of your favorite Newz website.  (That's newz, not news.  Don't get 'em confused.)  We do hope you had time to go to the Vote For Your Favorite Kitteh Halloween Costume post and vote on your favorite costume via polls.

Anyway, here are the winners!!!

For Izzy's costume, we are tied between Witch and Ghost Collar!!
For Mikey's costume, our winner is Witch!!

And for the all-time favorite costume... we are tied between Mikey's Witch, Mikey's Little Red Napping Hood, and Izzy's Witch!

Soon we will put up a poll to choose the favorite between our winners.  These were only the beginning...

Happy voting.

--Mikey, Izzy, and Meowma
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