25 February, 2010

Meowma can haz HORSIEZ!

Hai!  IT'S MEEEEOWMA!!!!!  Last month, I started horseback riding!  I planned to post something about it, but I never did!  This is Louie, the little pony I started riding. (above)  Then he threw off one of my friends.  Then he threw off another one of my friends.. and she broke her... um, shoulder or something.  So, Louie's kind of, well -- crazy.  So the next week I started riding Punk'n.  Both of my friends who got thrown off ride Punk'n, and they said he was a very calm horse -- which he is!

14 February, 2010

Happeh Meowentine's Day!

Hi!  Happy Valentine's Meowentine's Day!  I hope you and your Valentine Meowentine spend lots of extra time with each other.  Don't forget some chocolates Party Mix and a card chewed up paper.  Take them out to dinner - have some delicious soup Fancy Feast, maybe some salad Purina dry food on the side.  Get them a special present - maybe some candles catnip, or a new chess board mouse toy.  Maybe if you're not on the East Coast like me, you still have some time to go to the carnival  Petsmart.

11 February, 2010

Happeh Erlee Meowentine's Day!

Hai!  IT'S MEOWMA!  Did you MISS ME?????????????  Sorry I have not posted in a while!  So busy...

Happy early Meowentine's Day!  Who's your kitty's meowentine?

"Mikey and that spotty kitty sitting on a cat tree... G-r-o-o-m-i-n-g," Izzy teased.  "I didn't even MEET that tortoiseshell girl at the shelter!  Meowma only told me about her," Mikey defended.  Izzy laughed and jumped down from the bed.  "Come get me.... you know you wanna sniff mah booty!"  Mikey growled and stumbled down the blankets.  His claws clattered against the hardwood floor as he raced towards his brown tabby sister.  He ran into Grameow's bedroom and pounced at Izzy's tail.  Izzy whipped around and thrashed her claws.  Mikey lied on the ground, his eyes wide and tail thumping.  "OK, OK, I admit, that tortoiseshell was pretty and seemed really nice!  AND YES, I LIKE HER!  STOP ATTACKING ME NOW!"  He ran under the bed, only his muzzle sticking out.  "Who's your meowentine?" he whimpered.   Izzy purred and rubbed against Mikey's whiskers.  "I know meowentines aren't usually within families," she mewled, "but... you're my meowentine."  Mikey felt a warm brush of love waft through his heart.   "You know," he mrrowed, "You're... you're... you're my meowentine too."

Aww... a love story.

Bye!  Gotta go PWN Grameow in chess!  Let's see how much mah chess class has paid offz...

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