Contact Us

You can email Meowma at:  This is where you can also email Izzy or Mikey, however, they can be a little slow at responding and their emails are never in English.

Mikey's address is
1423 Mikey Rd.  Kitty City, MIW
(they don't have zip codes in MIW.)
Please, don't try to send anything to that address, because trust me, it will never get there.  Same with Izzy's address:
9965 MIW Mountain Dr.  Kitty City, MIW

Really, those shouldn't be on the Contact Us page, because they're not really for contacting the cats.  Like, don't even try sending some Party Mix or YEOWWW! catnip, because it's.. well.. um, how do I put this... well... okay... not a real address.  You knew that already?  Oh, yes, I figured.  Anyway, email is the best way of getting in touch with me, Izzy, or Mikey.
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